Washed vs. Natural Las Nubes, El Salvador
The Washed vs. Natural double pack is back!
This time we have 2 magnificent lots produced by the most decorated family is Cup of Excellence history. Both coffee present beautiful sticky sweet vibes, with similarities from the soil, climate and varietals, but due to the different processing techniques, some really interesting differences too!
Washed & Natural
Red Bourbon, Caturra & Pacamara
1500 m.a.s.l.
Tasting notes
Baked Apple - Milk Chocolate - Cherry / Strawberry - Raspberry - Toffee
Ernesto is one of several coffee farming brothers in the Lima family, the most decorated family in Cup Of Excellence history. Ernesto utilises the small
family micro-mill ‘Las Balcanes’ in El Congo for the careful washing and preparation of his coffees before being exported through the Cuzcachapa cooperative in Santa Ana. The farm, named Las Nubes, Spanish for “the clouds”, due to its high location, sits over 1,500 m.a.s.l. Located in Sonsonate, at the base of Santa Ana Volcano. In 2006 the volcano had a violent eruption that threatened most of the coffee farms in the area,
however the ashes turned out to be a natural fertilizer, and many of the farms in the region no longer need to fertilize their lands.
Regarded as one of El Salvador’s finest quality farms, Las Nubes consistently delivers a beautifully floral cup, something inherent in many of the higher altitude farms in this region. The farm cultivates coffee under shade trees and has extended the varieties of the shade trees to cedars, oaks, and balsam in order to combat climate change. Those big and tall trees offer more protection from the intense summer sun.
The carbon footprint from this coffee's journey has been offset twice.
This includes boiling your kettle to brew it.
The packaging is biodegradable and recyclable.
Bike delivery or postage is included.
One love.